The Lazy Girl's Butt Blaster Workout

Oh hey!! Paige here to share a little update on my workout routine! I've been working hard (for me) on my glutes and am starting to see a big difference! Yay! My workouts haven't been too crazy or hard (hence the blog title), but I AM starting to see results so I wanted to share what I've been doing with you guys 3 times a week! Read to the bottom for a (short) video :)

A couple months ago when we were in California (as you probably know from our Instagram overload) and I had this HORID pic taken of me from the back (insert crying emoji here). Yep, thats me. The heifer in the middle! Haha jk. Sort of. 

ANYWAYS, after many hours researching how to get rid of cottage and finding out that there's really no quick fix out there (and I can't afford to try all these crazy treatments that claim to work) I decided to kick my booty into gear and get to WORK! But, I'm kind of lazy. So, for me that meant just doing like two of the best booty/leg workouts I know 3x a week ;) lol

This is not some random workout I put together to post about, or some scientifically proven cottage cheese blaster, IT'S WHAT I'VE ACTUALLY BEEN DOING. RELIGIOUSLY for about a month now. And it's working! 

As I mentioned in our Instagram, I've also been pretty good about eating healthy, and have been using recipes from my friend Carli's meal plan, along with some of our own. We'll be doing a giveaway soon for her meal plan on Insta so stay tuned! I've also been trying to take MJ on walks everyday around our neighborhood to get my cardio in, but guys, nothing is going to blast fat or burn more calories than WEIGHTS so...

Here's the Workout:


1. 10 weighted bench step overs - each leg

2. 10 weighted one legged deadlifts - each leg

Repeat 3x


1. 10 weighted lunges

2. 10 weighted reverse lunges

3. 10 weighted suitcase squats

Repeat 3x


1. 10 weighted step ups - each leg

2. 10 crossover lunges - each leg

Repeat 3x

Below is a little video tutorial of how to do each of these moves! My outfit in the video and top picture is from Albion Fit, and my bikini is 50% off and linked at the bottom of this post! :)

Happy booty busting!

Bikini: TOP | BOTTOM

Albion Fit Swim

Hey guys! We've posted about our Albion Fit workout gear before, but wanted to share some of our favorite swim suits from them as well because they're so cute and flattering! :)

The cuts we're wearing here are two of our favorites, but we also love their high waisted bikini bottoms!

Wherever you are in your fitness journey, you can be sure you'll be able to find a flattering suit from Albion Fit. Their cuts are modest, cute, original, and great for every shape! Shop our three swimsuits linked at the bottom of the post, and use code SALTY15 for 15% off anything at