Mid Pregnancy Update

Paige here - I'm officially half way done with my pregnancy, and wanted to post an update about how things are going so far, what baby gear I have/want, and one of my favorite mid pregnancy outfits!

What I'm loving:

Although pregnancy comes with a whole slew of complaints, let's start with the good :) My favorite thing about being pregnant has been picking out baby gear, and starting to design our nursery! I have a long "wish list" of things I like/want, but there are a few things I'm absolutely in love with and couldn't resist buying pretty early on. So far I have my crib, diaper bag, and the cutest nursing pillow I can't wait to use! :) 

The crib - OK, for the nursery colors I'm going with greys, blues, and white. I absolutely LOVE the cribs at Restoration Hardware, and honestly for a while I wish I had never even seen them because they are so freaking expensive and cuter than anything else out there! If money isn't an issue for you, click on the link above and go get yourself one of those beauties. Just know I will hate you. Anyways, now that I've let those cribs go and remembered I'm not millionaire, Target here I come! I did end up finding a really cute crib I love there, and it looks so cute in my nursery! Not to mention it was a quarter of the price of the RH cribs. Click on the linked pic below to check it out :)

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Diaper Bag - When choosing a diaper bag, there were a few things I knew I wanted. It had to be at least somewhat gender neutral in case my husband ever needs to use it. I also wanted a convertible bag that can be both a cross body and a backpack for the same reason (cross body for me, backpack for him). Lastly, of course I wanted it to be cute! This is what I ended up going with, and I couldn't be more happy :) I'm going to be the weird lady carrying around a diaper bag with no kids because I can't wait to use it!

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Nursing Pillow - No story with this, just thought it was adorable and matched my nursery colors :)

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What I'm hating:

Now for the bad stuff. I had such high hopes for myself when I got pregnant. I saw so many cute bloggers with tiny little legs and cute pregnant bellies and thick luscious hair from pregnancy hormones, and was so excited to look cute like that too :) Well, that was a nice thought for the first couple weeks. First off, idk what the deal is, but my hair is falling OUT in chunks! Everyday. It sucks. I asked the doctor about it, and he said that although most women's hair gets thicker during pregnancy, everyone reacts different to the hormones and some women's hair gets thinner. Well mine is getting way thinner. Hopefully I have some left by the time I give birth! And thank Heaven for extensions :)

 I also have gained a lot of weight. About 20 pounds and I'm only half way done! Most of it has gone to my butt and legs, so my dreams of tiny little skinny jeans with cute flowing maternity tops are over. I would actually rather hide my legs than my belly! My body is weird. Anyways, if any of you pregnant mommas out there are like me, and gaining weight all over instead of just the belly, I'll be sharing some of my favorite flattering outfits throughout this process. For now, here's one of my go-tos. All items are linked at the bottom of this post :)

Top | Pants | Bag (similar) | Shoes | Necklace


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